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《牛津小学英语》教学设计 篇1

  教学内容:a. listen, read and say(第一、二部分)


  1、能听懂、会说、会读并会拼写单词penfriend, also。

  2、能听懂、会说、会读i want to write a letter. who do you want to write to?





  step 1 warm up






  ③教师现场说一物品,两位学生合作,如:writing paper,请学生快速按照c部分句型编对话。

  for example:

  a: can i have some writing paper?    b: what for?

  a: i want to write a letter.           b: sure. here you are.

  step 2 presentation

  1、因为对话较长,再将a部分分为三部分教学:第一部分为引言部分,第二部分为liu tao向妈妈要一些写信材料,准备写信,第三部分为liu tao向妈妈介绍peter的主要情况,并和妈妈讨论回信内容。

  2、listen to the tape.

  3、teach: a penfriend.

  ①教师出示自己收到的一封信,告诉学生look! here’s a letter from my penfriend,引出单词a penfriend.


  ③学生齐读a penfriend。     ④开火车拼读penfriend。

  a. pen, pen, p-e-n, pen, pen.

  b. friend, friend, f-r-i-e-n-d, friend, friend.

  c. penfriend, penfriend, p-e-n-f-r-i-e-n-d, penfriend, penfriend.

  4、 teach: also b. friend, friend,

  ①教师出示教学挂图,告诉学生liu tao also wants a penfriend。

  ②出示单词卡片also,解释词义。   ③学生分组读also。

  ④集体拼读also, also, a-l-s-o, also, also。

  5、教师用语音直接导入yesterday afternoon, liu tao read about an english boy, peter, in the newspaper. what does liu tao want to do? let’s listen.教师组织学生听引言部分录音。


  question: ①who did liu tao read about yesterday afternoon?

  ②what did peter want in china?   ③what would liu tao like to do?



  for example:

  (   ) thank you.

  (   ) i want to write a letter.

  (   ) sure. here you are.

  (   ) what for, dear?

  (   ) mum, can i have some writing paper, an envelope and some stamps, please?

  step 3 consolidation

  1、听录音,跟读引言和对话部分。 2、师生齐读引言和对话一遍。

  3、分角色朗读。                 4、小组内表演对话。


  step 4 homework

  1、听a部分录音半小时,跟读两遍。  2、抄写a penfriend, also各五遍。



  1、课题:unit 7 a letter to a pen rend     2、单词:a penfriend, also


《牛津小学英语》教学设计 篇2


  本课是《牛津小学英语》book 4a unit7的课文教学。英语教师在教学中有意识地培养学生对英语的持久兴趣,激励学生不断地追求进步,使他们对英语乐学、善学、会学。四年级学生对英语有一定的基础,但都为口语基础,为了更好的与五年级教学连接紧密,本单元教学采用课文教学。对于学生来讲,本单元重、难点较多,学习内容较多,因此教师要灵活运用多种多样的教学方法,组织学生进行广泛的语言实践活动,加强学生的英语阅读理解能力,从而真正达到学习英语的目的。



  a.听、说、读、写单词: seven、 four空

  空 听、说、读单词: have breakfast 、fifteen、thirty-five、 forty

  b.听、说、读、写句型: what’s the time?空 it’s…

  空 听、说、读句型:what time do you…?空 i…at…see you.




  1.能听懂、会说:what’s the time?空 it’s…

  空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空 what time do you…?空 i…at…

  空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空 see you.





  3.have breakfast的读音



  一、warm up

  1. greeting

  t: what is the weather?

  ss: it is…

  what day is it today?

  ss: it is…

  t: let us sing a song: ten little indians

  ss sing a song


  2. free talk

  t: what’s this? / what’s that over there?

  s: it’s a …

  t: is this/that your…?

  s: no, it isn’t.

  t: whose … is this?

  s: it’s …’s.



  1.t: there’re many numbers. can you read?(出示数字1-19)

  ss count the numbers(a. count by themselves空空空 b. count together)


  t: look, is it ten?

  ss: no. it’s twenty

  t: what about this one?(出现30,40,50)

  learn thirty空 forty空 fifty空

  空 ss read these numbers

  (a. read the numbers one by one空空空空空 b. read together)

  t: it’s…(ppt出现35)

  ss: thirty-five.

  t: right. it’s thirty-five.

  ss read

  (ppt出现45,55)ss learn forty-five 、fifty-five


  2.t: look, what’s this?

  ss: it’s a clock.

  t: clock can tell us time. look.(t拨钟,如:11:00、12:00)

  t:what is the time?

  ss: it is eleven o’clock.

  t: oh, i see.

  (t再次拨钟,如:eleven twenty-five, seven thirty-five)

  t:what is the time?

  ss: it is eleven twenty-five.

  t: oh, i see.

  t:what is the time?

  ss: it is seven thirty-five.

  t: oh, i see. like this, work in pairs.

  ss practice and act


  3.t: in different time, we can do different things.空

  now listen to me and repeat.

  i have breakfast at 6:35.

  ss try to repeat: i have breakfast at 6:35.

  learn and read “have breakfast” “at”

  a.read it one by one空空空空空 b. boys/girls read

  c.read it together(t纠正读音)

  t: hello, i have breakfast at 6:35. what about you? what time do you have breakfast?

  ss: i have breakfast at…

  (ppt出示一些图片,如:get up)

  t: what time do you get up/go to school/have lunch/come home/go to the bed?

  s: i …at…

  let ss make a dialog like this in pairs and act.

  (由教师自身说法学习本课句型及一些单词,形象、具体,让学生具有模仿的对象,充分调动学生的积极性,激发学生的模仿能力。在教“have breakfast”时,由于其读音是一大难点,通过“开火车”等形式,既集中学生的注意力,又能很好的帮助学生纠正个别的语音错误。在教学句型时,利用一些漂亮的图片,让学生用不同的词组、时间操练所学句型,激发学生兴趣,并使英语学习变得生活化。)

  4. t: today we will learn unit7.

  空first,listen to the tape and answer my questions.

  空q1: what is the time now?

  q2: what time does mike go to school?

  q3: what time does mike come home?

  ss listen and answer. a1: at 7:35.

  空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空 a2: at 7:40.

  空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空 a3: at 4:15

  t: “late” what is the meaning ?

  a 早的(地);b 时间正好;c 迟的(地);晚的(地)(ppt)

  ss choose and learn “late”

  t: listen to the tape and read after it.

  ss read ①read it after the tape.

  ② read it by themselves

  ③ read it in groups

  ④read it together

  ss act the dialogue



  make a dialog like the text(课件出示)


  mum: get up, .

   :空 oh, no, what’s the time?

  mum: it’s...

  : it’s late.

  dad : what time do you go to…?

  : i go to … at...

  gm : what time do you come home?

  : at ...

  gm :see you in the afternoon/evening!

  : bye ,grandma!/…



  1.read the text five times


  2.make another dialogue with your friends.


  《牛津小学英语》book 4a unit7 来自第一范文网。

《牛津小学英语》教学设计 篇3

  教学内容:c. work in pairs    d. listen and write


  1.能熟练掌握句型“who’s taller than david? whose schoolbag is heavier, yours or mine?”并能灵活进行替换练习。









  step 1 warm up


  2. sing a song: i wish i was taller

  3. free talk.

  围绕本单元的b部分单词及句型“who’s…than….?  whose…than…?   as…as…”等句型结合学生实际与生进行闲谈。

  step 2 revision

  1. listen and repeat.(a部分内容)

  2. look and read.



  3.look and write.


  4. look and say

  ①出示图片,引导生用“who’s…than…? whose…is…”进行对话.如:who’s taller than david?    gao shan is.  whose schoolbag is heavier, yours or mine?    yours is, i think.


  old, young, long, tall, short, fat…

  step 3 presentation

  1. look and say


  如: how many people are there in the photo?  who are they?   who’s older, the man in black or in blue?   who’s younger, the woman in green or in purple?

  2. listen to the tape.


  3. listen and repeat

  4. listen and complete

  5. listen and check

  6. read the sentences.

  step 4 homework

  1. listen and read part a.



  句型: who’s taller than david? gao shan is.

  whose schoolbag is heavier, yours or mine?

  yours is. i think.




《牛津小学英语》教学设计 篇4

  教学内容:b. look, read and learn.    c. work in pairs


  1.能听懂、会说、会读、和会拼写单词tall, young, old, heavy。


  3.能听、说、读句型who’s taller than? is  taller than。



  2.掌握句型“who’s… than…?  whose…is…?”。





  step 1 warm up.

  1. listen to a song: i wish i was taller

  2. greetings

  3. free talk

  可围绕以下句型与不同学生展开:hello. good morning! nice to see you at new term. how old are you now? oh, you’re younger than me. look, he is tall. who’s taller than him? look at my scarf. it’s long. the scarf is longer than this ruler(随着手拿一尺子)…

  step2 presentation

  1. learn long, longer

  ①由free talk引出long, longer.并出示单词指导生朗读,并比较两词区别其间教师不断地出示实物,边比较边发音long-longer.

  ②practice in pairs


  2. learn whose…is…, yours or mine?

  ①教师将围巾与学生围巾放在一起问:whose scarf is longer, yours or mine?并指导生回答。

  ②practice in pairs


  ③ss act.

  3. learn old-older, young-younger


  ②操练句型: who’s…than…?

  师随意问两个同学的年龄后;指着两个学生问其他学生:who’s older/ younger than…?并引导生回答。

  4.出示单词:tall-taller, short-shorter, small-smaller



  5.出示big, fat, thin, heavy




  5.拼读old, young, tall, heavy

  step3 consolidation

  1. listen to the tape and read after the tape.

  2. look and read


  3. work in pairs

  ①picture 1-2,出示挂图,师示范并随机板书句子。

  ②groups work.


  step 4 homework

  1. listen to the tape and repeat.(b部分)

  2. write the words of pant b two times.

  3. make dialogues use the words.


  句子:a: who’s… than…?   b: …is.

  a: whose…is… , yours or mine?   b: …is, i think.




《牛津小学英语》教学设计 篇5

  教学内容《牛津小学英语》3b   unit 1 b look and learn教学目标1.ss can understand and read these eight words: a school bag, a crayon, a storybook, a copybook, a tape, a stapler, a toy train, a knife.2. ss can understand and say the new sentences “what’s this/that?” and can use “it’s…” answer.教学重点难点1.pronunciation of the eight words.2.expression: the new sentences “what’s this/that?” and can use “it’s…” answer.教学准备tape and tape player. cards of new words.教学环节过程目标教师活动学生活动 free talk       presentation                      practice       home work greeting and motivation.      ss can under- stand and read these eight  words: a school bag, a crayon, a storybook, a copybook, a tape, a stapler, a toy train, a knife..2.ss can under- stand and say the new sentences “what’s this/that?” and can use “it’s…” answer.    use game to help studentspractice the eight new words and the new sentence pattern.    organize:good morning, class.hi.hello.what’s your name?what’s your name?a  this is b. (1) teaching the new words:(show a new word card to students.)school bag. (show students a card of new words.)crayon.(show the card of new words to students.)storybook.(show students a card of new words.)copybook.read these cards.(use the same way to teach the other four new words),read these cards one by one.(2) teaching the sentence:(show the card of crayon).what’s this? (ask self).it’s a crayon.(show the card of tape).what’s that? (ask students).(use body language and countenance to help students understand). let’s play a game.let’s guess.(show the back of the cards to students).no, it isn’t.yes, it is.what’s this/that? 1.       repeat picture 1&2 of part a.2.       read new words of this unit. good morning, miss.hi.hello.i’m a.i’m b.a: nice to meet you b.b: nice to meet you, too  school bag. (read one by one). crayon.(read one by one). storybook. (read one by one). copybook. (read one by one).school bag, crayon, storybook, copybook  school bag, crayon, storybook, copybook…. (look at teacher and try to understand).   it’s a tape.    ok.tape?knife? it’s a …   

《牛津小学英语》教学设计 篇6

  unit 3  asking the way

  连云港市赣榆县实验小学  董淑鸿


  本单元的核心教学内容是“问路”,围绕这一话题展开各项语言活动。重点学习问路中常涉及的相关用语can you tell me the way to…?how far is it from here? how can i get to…?及其答语。本单元a部分通过创设情景,展开一段有关问路的情景对话;b部分主要学习表示场所的词组以及与问路相关的动词词组;c部分和d部分是本单元的句型结构部分,重点学习句型及其答句。要求学生能够四会掌握这些句型;e部分重点复习了本单元的重点句型turn…at the…crossing和一般过去时;f部分是一个趣味猜迷游戏,可以让学生在听听、看看、做做、玩玩中活动;g部分为语音部分,让学生了解字母组合ou在单词中的读音,提高整体认读能力;h部分是一首歌曲,可以联系本课内容进行填词唱歌。


  1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词stop, turn left / right, post office, get on / off, along, street, way。

  2、能听懂、会说、会读单词city, crossing, away, follow, suddenly, shout, thief, shopping centre, middle school, primary school, out of, train station, story museum, kilometre, road, minute, only。

  3、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型:can you tell me the way to…,please?

  4、能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型go along this street, and then turn right at the third crossing. how far is it from here? it’s about a kilometre away. you can take bus no.5. how many stops are there? how can i get to the shopping centre?


  6、能演唱歌曲excuse me。


  1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词stop, turn left / right, post office, get on / off, along, street, way。

  2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型:can you tell me the way to…,please?


  1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词stop, turn left / right, post office, get on / off, along, street, way。

  2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型:can you tell me the way to…,please?




  第一课时:b look, read and learn及 c look and say

  第二课时:b look, read and learn及 d read and talk

  第三课时:a listen, read and say

  第四课时:e read and number及f play a game

  第五课时:g listen and repeat及h sing a song







《牛津小学英语》教学设计 篇7

  familv members一课的教学难点之一是能听懂、会说日常交际用语is this your…?yes,he/she is.no。he/she isn’t.,能正确区别he/she,并能熟练运用。以下是我在第一课时处理这一难点时对两个班不同的教学设计,上完课后所收到的效果也是不一样的,真可谓“异曲”不同工。



  tilook,this is my father.(指着照片中的父亲)

  read the word after me.(拿出单词图片教授)

  father,my father,yourfather.this is my father.


  t:is this your father?(指着一生的照片问)

  s1:yes,it is.(生的回答,课前我就预料到了,于是我拿出写好的词卡给他看,提醒他该用这样的形式回答。)

  s1:yes,he is.(学生不会he的发音,于是我就教他读并且让他回答出这个句子。)

  如此我又问了几个同学,让他们学会用yes,he is.回答。

  t:is this your father?(指着一生的照片问另一个学生)


  s2:no。he isn’t.

  照这样我又问了几个同学,让他们学会用no,he isn’t-来回答,最后全班跟读这两个句7=,学会用这样的表达法来回答问题。

  同法教授单词mother,以及句型is this your mother?yes,she is/no,she isn’t.


  this your…?yes,he/she is.no,he/she isn’t.



  is.no,he/she isn’t.学生学起来比较吃力。作为教师,我没有做好“导”。接着我又让学生互相操练句型is this your…?yes,he/she is.no,he/she isn’t.以强化对难点的理解,结果形式单一,学生学起来比较枯燥。前半节课我出示自己的家庭照,学生感到很新奇,但是在引出难点时我让学生自己回答,挫伤了学生的积极性。到最后进行的单词与句型的操练,我让组内的成员互问互答,时间长了就更让他们觉得索然无趣,冲淡了学习气氛。


  案例二:教师由what’sthis in english?引出新教授词组family photo后,出示课题。

  t:today,we’11 learn somefamily melnber$.(板书课题,教读课题)

  t:look,this is my family

  photo.boys and girls,sho~r me

  your family photo.


  please introduce your fam-ily members.

  sl:this is my father.thisis my mother.(实物投影仪把学生的照片显示出来,让学生指着照片中的人物向其他同学做介绍。)

  t:oh,i see.

  s2:look,this is my familyphoto.this is my mother.


  【这一环节的设计,是让学生用已经掌握的介绍人物的句型来复习单词father/mother,让他们在介绍的同时回顾上学期所学单词,既省掉对已学单词的教学,又为一般疑问句is thisyour…?的呈现做了铺垫。学生在这一环节中急于把自己的家庭照片给大家看,并介绍自己的家人,所以一开始课堂气氛就很活跃,学生表现出极大的学习兴趣和表达欲望,很快从“看”进入新知的学习。】


  t:is this your father?(指着一生的照片问)


  t:is this your mother?(指另一个学生的照片问)


  t:look,this is my familyphoto.(问过几个学生后,教师拿出自己的家庭照)

  now,you may ask me somequestions.

  s3:is this your father?(学生指着照片中的人物问)

  t:yes,he is.

  s4:is this your mother?(让学生指着照片中的人物问)

  t:yes,she is.

  师生间问答,活用句型isthis your…?yes,he/she is.no,he/she isn’t.



  t:is this your father?(指着一生的照片问)

  s1:yes,he is...t:is this your mother?

  sl:yes,she is.

  t:yoh’re clever!

  【通过学生问教师这一环节,学生在头脑里已经形成了对is this your…?这一问题的回答,等教师再提问时,学生就能很顺利地答出来了。教师再以激励性的话语鼓励他,增强他的自信心。其他学生看到这一片段时也会对自己学习新知识充满信心和渴望。】




  t:may i come in?

  s:come in,please.


  s:hello.miss chen.

  t:what’8 that?(指着学生的照片,照片用实物投影仪显示出来)

  s:it’s my family photo.

  t:is this your mother?(指着照片中的人物)

  s:yes,she is.

  t:is this your father?(指着照片中的人物)

  s:yes,he is.

  t:0h,i see.


  【进入“认人”这一句型的操练时,情节的引入能刺激学生的交际动机,使学生产生询问的欲望。在表演的过程中,学生自己的想法很多,有的在看照片时用到了已学过的句子:can i have a look?sure,hereyou are.有的用到了礼貌用语nice to nleet you.nice to meetyou,too.等。学生在情景表演中兴致很高,都想表演,学习气氛更浓了,不知不觉在“说”中巩固了这节课的难点。】






  学生是学习的主体,但是也要由教师发挥好主导作用,让他们学有方向,学有目的。案例一中我直接让学生在毫无知识准备的情况下,理解学习难点“yes,he/she is.no,he/sheisn’t.”学生就感到很拗口,整个课堂的气氛也就变得沉闷了。




《牛津小学英语》教学设计 篇8


  “planning for the weekend”是译林版《牛津小学英语》6a unit6part a,主 要 教学内容是关于娱乐活动类的单词词组,和一般将来时在句中的应用。要求学生围绕这类词组在一定的语境下用“be going to”进行说话,并能在实际生活中熟练地使用,真正让教材服务于生活。设计思路:本节课利用多媒体辅助教学,培养学生学英语的兴趣。通过屏幕呈现动画歌曲“will you join me?”把学生引入课堂教学中。热身运动复习旧知识,也给新课学习作了铺垫。课上教师通过创设真实或半真实的情景与学生进行语言交际,学习、运用本节课词组和句型。“体态语”的运用,座位以小组为单位的排列,为学生创设轻松愉快的英语学习环境,有利于发挥学生最大的能动性。通过课件学习本节课“周末计划”的教学内容,并以各种形式由浅入深的强化训练来巩固课文内容。在拓展运用阶段,让学生通过打电话这一真实的情景进行交际运用,把语言真正应用于实践,做到“学以致用”,最后渗透思想文化教育。


  1 能正确地听、说、读、写单词和词组plan, play, have school,take part in 和句型what are you going to... ? we are going to...

  2 能正确地听、说、读单词和词组concert, opera, singing contest 和句型is that gao shan? yes, speaking. by the way, what are you going to do... ? 

  3 能根据图片提供的情景进行描述。



  1 教具准备:单词图片、与奥运会有关的福娃图片和国旗、五环旗以及多媒体课件。

  2 学生准备:事先布置学生预习本单元的单词。

  3 板书准备:预先写好课题unit 6 planning for the weekend


  i. classroom management


  1. listen to a song “will you join me?”


  2. free talk

  t: what day is it today?

  what date is it today?

  what’s the weather like today?

  it’s warm and sunny. let’s do some exercise.(引导学生复习学过的活动类单词及词组。)

  3. warming up exercise

  t: follow me, please. (多媒体课件上呈现各种运动的场景,教师引导学生边说边做动作。)

  t:  run, run, running. i like running.

  ss: run, run, running. i like running.

  t:  fly, fly, flying. flying a kite.

  ss: fly, fly, flying. flying a kite.(老师说半句,让学生完成下半句,培养学生大脑思维的灵活性。)

  t: surf, surf, surfing. 

  ss: surfing the internet...


  ii. presentation and practice


  1. introduction

  t: boys and girls, we have lessons from monday to friday. theyare weekdays. but we don’t have lessons on saturdays and sundays. they are weekends. we don’t have school at weekends.


  t: i usually do housework at weekends. but this weekend,i’m going to go shopping.

  t: what are you going to do this weekend?  (板书、操练)

  s1: i’m going to go to the park this weekend. (t: good!)


  t: (to s1) please ask him.

  s1:(to s2)what are you going to do this weekend?

  s2: i’m going to do housework this weekend .(t: very good! ) (to s3)

  what are you going to do this weekend?

  s3: i’m going to play basketball this weekend. (t: well done!) …      


  t: who can ask me the question?

  s4: what are you going to do this saturday, miss yin?

  t: i’m going to visit the zoo. by the way, what are you going to do this saturday? (板书)

  s4: i’m going to …

  2.practice and then acting out the dialogue


  eg. --what are you going to do this weekend?

  --i’m going to play basketball. (替换词)

  by the way, what are you going to do this weekend ?

  --i’m going to go to a farm.

  t: today we are going to learn “planning for the weekend”

  (呈现课题, 并操练)

  3 . learn part a of unit 6

  a  introduce the text.


  a. t: now, boys and girls, listen carefully. what’s the sound? can you guess? (钢琴声)

  yes, the sound of the piano. (课件呈现南希弹钢琴图片,运用体态语) nancy can play the piano. she is going to play the piano at the concert this weekend. (板书、操练)

  b. but david can’t. what can he do?


  ss: david can play the violin.

  t: good. you are right. he is also going to play the violin at the concert.

  c. (师唱京剧片段) what’s song?

  ss: (京剧)

  t: yes, you are right. it’s beijing opera. do you like to see  a beijing opera? (板书及操练)

  ss: no, we don’t.

  t: i’m sorry. but i like seeing beijing operas.

  b. listen, read and say

  a. (多媒体播放课文第一部分内容,然后请学生回答问题)


  what are gao shan and david’s plans for the weekend?

  what are they going to do ? let’s listen and watch carefully and find out the answers.

  q: what’s the weather like there?

  q: do the children have school today?

  q: what are they talking about?

  b.  (阅读课文,根据课文内容判断正“t”误“f”。)

  david is going to see the beijing opera with us.  (   )

  he is going to meet us at six in front of the garden theatre. (   )


  c. (讲解语言点,角色朗读,然后填写下列表格)



  plan for saturday

  who :    gao shan and his dad,  david

  plan :  see a beijing opera   

  where : the garden theatre   

  when: on saturday afternoon plan for sunday

  who :david /nancy/gao shan

  plan :play the violin /play the piano /go and watch the concert

  where:at the concert /at the concert /in the school

  when:on sunday afternoon

  d. (根据表格内容,让学生复述课文)


  iii. consolidation



  t: i’m sorry, boys and girls. my friend is calling me.

  can i answer the phone?

  ss: ok.

  a: (接电话) hello!

  b: hello! is that jenny?

  a: yes, speaking.

  b: what are you going to do this sunday?

  a: i’m going to see a beijing opera.

  by the way, would you like to join me?

  b: yes, i’d love to.

  a: that’s good. see you this sunday.

  b: see you.      




  iv. strengthen



  1. t: boys and girls, when is the olympic games held?

  sa: it’s on …

  2. t: what’s liu xiang going to do during the olympic games?

  sb: he is going to …

  3. t: is yao ming going to take part in the olympic games?

  ss: sorry, we don’t know.

  t: but we hope he is going to be better soon.

  4. t: what are you going to do for the olympic games?

  sd: i’m going to do more exercise to get stronger.

  se: i’m going to …



  v. homework




  板书设计:    unit 6 planning for the weekend

  what are you going to do this weekend?

  i’m going to ...

  have school

  beijing opera

  by the way

  at the concert




  六年级课文较长,光通过听录音,模仿、跟读、示范、操练、角色表演等实施教科书上的内容是远不能达到《新课程标准》的要求。针对教学内容,我抓住本课的重点与难点,利用小步子,快节奏,勤反复的教学方法,根据“由浅入深,由易到难,循序渐进”的教学规律, 精心设计课堂教学,强化单词、词组及句型的操练。利用表格中的“关键词”让学生复述课文,把书上静止、单调、枯燥无味的文字通过多媒体辅助教学,转变为说话的能力,激发了学生的求知欲。分组活动学生由于无心理压力,交谈环境宽松,因而积极主动地参与学习,提高了英语交际能力。物质与精神鼓励能增强学生的自信心和成功感。他们获得成功,又有了新的追求,再获得新的成功,这种良性循环带来了好的学习效果,并产生了长远的积极作用。思想教育的渗透,能培养学生热爱祖国、热爱集体,关心他人,乐于助人的好品质,提高他们的综合素质。

《牛津小学英语》教学设计 篇9

  教学内容:a部分 listen, read and say.


  1. 能听懂、会说和会读单词和词组jog, do well in, need help with ,do more exercise。

  2. 能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语that’s true. well done. mike runs as fast as ben.

  3. 当堂掌握四会单词strong,四会句型ben runs faster than me.

  4. 能正确朗读课文,读懂课文。



  教具准备:幻灯片、录音机、小星星(well done评价)、红线、小蛋糕图片(用于玩游戏)。


  step1 warm up

  1. sing after the tape‘i wish i was taller’.

  2. play a game:bingo 游戏、猜单词。

  s t r o n g ,  l a t e,  s l o w ,  h i g h

  3. choose one word and make a sentence.选择其中一词造句。

  step2 presentation

  1. 学习do well in, jog, do more exercise.

  ①free talk:are you good at english? do you like english? are you good at pe? do you do exercise after school? what do you usually do?(引出jog to school并板书)。

  i do well in pe(板书do well in)。

  i hope you do more exercise. you’ll get stronger.(板书do more exercise)。

  ②what do they mean? ( jog, do well in , do more exercise ).

  ③read after the teacher.


  2. judge:判断句子中哪些句子是谈论有关运动或体育课上的话题(幻灯片出示)。

  ①he is good at chinese.

  ②she has an english book.

  ③a pe teacher is showing their students how to jump, run and pass balls.

  ④she likes having sports, so she does well in pe, too.

  ⑤the old man likes fishing very much, but he is not good at sports.

  ⑥all the students in our school have sports at half past four every afternoon.

  ⑦ben runs faster than me in a pe lesson.

  ⑧he goes home later than me.

  ⑨she gets up earlier than her mother.

  ⑩mike runs as fast as ben.

  在判断的过程中强调be good at 和do(does) well in 的用法及四会句型ben runs faster than me.

  3. 学习mike runs as fast as be n.渗透jim is not as strong as the other boys.

  ①由上一题的第10句引出mike runs as fast as ben.这一三会句型。

  ②what does it mean?(it指 mike runs as fast as ben.)

  ③who can make a sentence like this?

  ④who can read it?


  ⑤talking:mike runs as fast as ben. so mike runs fast. ben runs fast, too. can you run fast? can i run fast? yes, i can run fast. because i’m strong(教师做有力量、很强壮的动作)。

  i’m strong. are you strong? you are (not) as strong as me.(板书as strong as)

  ⑥saying.学生以as strong as 为话题谈论本班同学们的身体状况。

  引出××is not as strong as the other boys.

  ⑦拓展:the other boys/ childen/ students/ …

  4. listening exercise.

  ①listen to the tape.注意关键词(key words)。

  ②what have you heard?(汇报所听到的句子,能说多少说多少)

  ③read the sentences then listen again(浏览课后的判断题,带着问题再听对话录音)。

  ④group work.小组合作完成判断。

  ⑤group work.小组内合作朗读课文,找出不懂的句子和词语。

  5. learning:need help with. that’s true.


  补充学习:a good football /… player

  step3 consolidation.

  1. reporting:what have you learnt?


  2. play a game:help jerry get the cakes.《帮杰瑞取蛋糕》



  ①教师在盒子里放上很多语言卡片(内容为课文中的主要句型,比如:jim is good at english and maths. jim is not as strong as the other boys.句子多少自定)。周边放上警戒线(比如染成红色的线)。



  3. read the text together

  step4 布置作业

  1. group work. 小组合作,制作纸袋偶,并分角色表演课文。(具体要求见第四课时),下一节课检查并表演。

  2. writing work.你知道这些短语的意思吗?

  a. get stronger        b. after school         c. be good at

  d. do well in         e. the other children   f. a good football player

  g. play ball games

  g. some of the boys     h. jog to school           i. do more exercise



  词组:jog to school, do well in, do more exercise

  句子:mike runs as fast as ben. jim is not as strong as the other boys.

  ben runs faster than me.


《牛津小学英语》教学设计 篇10



  能听懂、会说、会读和拼写单词weather, spring, autumn, winter, hot, cold.

  能听懂、会说、会读单词season, because, countryside, warm, cool, rain, rainy, sunny, windy,  cloudy, rowing, snowball fights.

  教学重点:能听懂、会说、会读和拼写单词weather, spring, autumn, winter, hot, cold

  教学难点:能听懂、会说、会读单词season, because, countryside, warm, cool, rain, rainy, sunny, windy,  cloudy, rowing, snowball fights.



  step 1 pre-task preparation:

  1.warming up.

  sing an english song “seasons”.

  2.free talk. “what’s the weather like today?”

  t: what’s the weather like today? ss: it’s cold.

  t: what season do you like best? s1: spring.

  step 2 while-task procedures:

  1. a guessing game: which season?

  show some pictures and let the ss guess: spring, summer, autumn, winter.

  2.say a chant:

  spring, summer, autumn and winter,

  which season do you like best?

  spring, spring, i like spring best.

  summer, summer, they like summer best.

  autumn, autumn, we like autumn best.

  winter, winter, we all like winter

  summer is hot, winter is cold,

  autumn is cool and spring is warm

  t: what season do you like best? s1: spring.

  step 2 while-task procedures:

  1. a guessing game: which season?

  show many cards to the ss, then ask “what’s missing?”

  step 4 homework: 

  make some cards of part b.


  weather, spring, autumn, winter, hot, cold.


  《牛津小学英语》6b unit 5 第一课时 来自第一范文网。

《牛津小学英语》教学设计 篇11

  教学内容:《牛津小学英语》6b unit 3 asking the way  b look, read and learn及c look and say。


  1. 能正确地听、说、读、写词汇turn left / right, post office, get on, get off, along, street。

  2. 能正确地听、说、读词汇shopping, centre, middle school, primary school, train station, history museum crossing。

  3. 能正确地听、说、读、写句子can you tell me the way to…, please?

  4. 能听懂、会说句型和日常交际用语go along this street,and then turn…at the …crossing.


  1. 能正确地听、说、读、写词汇turn left / right, post office, get on, get off, along, street.

  2. 能正确地听、读、写句子can you tell me the way to…, please?


  1. 能正确地听、说、读写本单元的四会单词和句型。

  2. 能运用c部分的句型进行问路的情景对话。



  step 1 warm up

  1. sing a song:do some exercise with me.

  热身运动,师生跟音乐边唱边跳,同时复习turn left和turn right,为后面的教学做好铺垫。

  2. listen and do.

  show me your right hand / touch your left ear / stand up / turn left / turn right…

  step2 presentation and practice

  1. 师生对话引入本课话题。

  t:liu jing is new here. she comes from fu jian. she wants to buy some books. but she doesn’t know the way to the bookshop. can you help her?


  t:good. look at the map of the city.(出示本地区的地图)where’s the bookshop?(教师指着地图,引导学生找到书店的位置并导入新授知识)。

  2. 利用地图,师生交流学习句型。

  a:excuse me,can you tell me the way to the bookshop?

  b:let me see. er,…go along this street, and then turn left at the second crossing. the bookshop is there.


  ②对板书中出现的生词along, street, turn right / left等进行拼读教学,并让学生理解。

  ③chant:where’s the bookshop?

  bookshop, bookshop, where’s the bookshop?

  can you tell me the way to the bookshop?

  go, go, go, go along this street, then turn left.

  you can see the bookshop at the second crossing.

  3. 创设情景,用c部分的句型逐一引出b部分单词。

  t:andy is yang ling’s friend. he wants to visit some places. this is his timetable. where will he go? let’s try to tell him how to get there. ok?


  time(时间)places(地点)pictures(图片示意)mondayhistory museum配相应的图片(下同)tuesdaypost officewednesdayno.1 primary school thursdayno.4 middle school fridaypost office saturdayshopping centre sundaytrain station 



  ④利用look and say的方法引导学生复习b部分的词汇。教师可快速闪动单词图片,让学生用英语说出人物所做的动作或所看到的不同场景。

  ⑤游戏“开汽车去某处”,在玩的过程中强化记忆get on / get off.



  step3 consolidation

  1. 教师出示c部分的图片创设情景引出句型的操练。

  t:先介绍图片,the park is on your left. 让学生模仿说出其他的地点。

  t:can you tell me the way to…, please?

  这样学生就很容易回答了,用同样的方法操练其他的地点(shopping centre, bus station, wc…)。

  2. 利用情景图,师生示范对话,让学生模仿练习。

  3. 让掌握较好的学生做示范,然后同桌问答。

  4. 教师板书四会句型,由学生集体朗读。

  5. 书写指导。

  6. chant:where’s the bookshop?

  step4 homework

  1. 朗读并抄写要求四会掌握的单词和句子。

  2.  c部分自选两幅图编对话。

  3. 用英语介绍自己所在地区的一处景点(或场所),描述其具体方位。

  板书内容:unit3 asking the way

  ①词汇:turn left / right, post office, get on / off, along, street, shopping centre, middle school, primary school, train station, history museum, crossing。

  ②句型:can you tell me the way to…, please? go along this street,and then turn left / right at the … crossing. the …is on your… that’s all right.


《牛津小学英语》教学设计 篇12

  教学内容:a. listen, read and say(第三部分)


  1、能听懂、会说、会读词汇:subject, e-mail address。

  2、能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语i hope so。







  step 1 warm up

  1. greeting

  2. free talk



  ①does liu tao want to have a postcard?

  ②what does liu tao want to have?

  ③what does liu tao want to do?    …

  3. revision




  step 2 presentation

  1、教师在课前自录一段peter自我介绍的录音,将peter的有关情况直观、形象地展示给学生,让学生们和对话中的liu tao一起了解peter,现帮助liu tao一同向妈妈介绍peter的情况,并和liu tao的妈妈一起建议liu tao如何回信。录音内容如下:

  dear friend:

  i’m peter, i’m from the uk. i want a penfriend in china.

  please listen to my self-introduction.

  i live in london. i have a brother and a sister. i like listening to music and making model planes.


  question: ①who’s peter?

  ②where does he live?

  ③does he have any brothers or sisters?

  ④what are his hobbies?

  3、“liu tao的妈妈建议如何回信”这一部分可让学生直接打开书,四个人为一组,合作学习。


  ②指名读出所填内容。      ③集体订正。

  step 3 consolidation




  step 4 homework


  2、全班齐读。        3、男女生分角色朗读。



  1、课题:unit 7 a letter to a penfriend.

  penfriend   wanted

  name: peter white

  age: 12


  family: mum, dad,      and      .




《牛津小学英语》教学设计 篇13

  本单元以“万圣节”为话题,重点学习do you like...? yes, i do. / no, i don't. i like...等句型。学生在4b中已经学过do you like dolls? yes, i do. / no, i don't.等句型。本单元会话中出现了购物的情境,学生在3b中也学过,因此,教师可采用以旧引新的方法进行本单元的会话教学。本单元要求四会掌握的单词10个,其中a chicken, a duck, a horse, a pig 是第一次出现,a dog, a cat, a monkey, a tiger, a panda,a zebra, a bird, an elephant等单词以前出现过,在本单元以复数形式再现。教学中,教师要提醒学生注意词形和读音上的变化。













  教学内容:《牛津小学英语》5a unit4 halloween第一课时。

  教学重点:通过信息技术的展示使学生掌握四会单词a chicken, a duck, a horse, a pig以及句型 do you like...? yes, i do. / no, i don't. i like...

  教学难点:通过信息技术解决所提出的问题,让学生 进一步掌握名词复数的词形和读音的变化,培养学生正确的信息使用的道德情感。




  教学策略:多媒体辅助教学课件因其具有能集成文字、图像、影像、声音及动画等多种信息的功能而愈来愈受到欢迎。实践也证明,多媒体辅助教学可以产生教与学的最佳效果。集图、文、音、像等信息于一体,我自行设计了一个《牛津小学英语》5a unit4 halloween第一课时课件。我还要求学生能利用我们提供的资料参考,积极为自己提供更为广阔的学习资源背景,从而使学生不断地完成新知的建构过程,自觉地养成信息的“获取―内化―提升―再获取”习惯。



  信息技术教学主要依靠多媒体系统、计算机软件、教师自己制作的各种课件等等,在课堂上创造丰富多彩、生动活泼的学习英语的情景与氛围,突出英语学习的形象性与动态感。在制作《牛津小学英语》5a unit4 halloween第一课时课件时,我通过文字和图片的展示,向学生介绍万圣节前夕的场面,使学生对国外的节日有个初步的了解。再由万圣节前夕孩子们佩戴的动物面具,链接到本课时学生学习的动物类单词。这里,我注重发挥信息技术的优势,让学生听动物的声音分辨所学的动物名称。既可以增强活动的趣味性,也可使学生身临其境。通过多媒体系统模拟的动物园,学生们定会尽情得将英语脱口而出。


  [step 1: greeting and show the title]

  1. s:hello,boys and girls.how are you?

  t:fine,thank you,.and you?

  s:i’m fine,too.

  t:can you sing the song《boys and girls》?

  s:yes ,we can.

  t:le’s sing it together.(课件中封面上的小喇叭按钮)

  2. t:today we will learn new lesson 《unit4 halloween》

  [设计思路]:儿童心理学特征告诉我们,教唱英语歌是一种很好的教学手段。课前一首歌,是组织进行教学的好方法,它能使学生以饱满的精神、激昂的情绪,为上好一堂课作前奏. 小学英语教材每个单元后面都有一首英语歌,教师可以充分发挥其作用。将歌曲放在课堂开始,一来可使学生渐渐进入英语环境,二来也可以活跃课堂气氛。课前先与学生进行简单日常用语的交际,使学生渐渐熟悉课堂,轻松融入学习英语的氛围中,从而揭示新课课题。

  [step 2: presentation1(课件中part1)]

  1. introduce the title“halloween”

  2. introduce the new word“animal mask”

  3.show the names of animals: call the names of animals


  [step 3 consolidation 1(课件中part2)]

  1.t:do you like animal masks ?

  s:yes , we do.

  t:i will show you a place.do you want to have a look?


  t:look! what is it?

  s:it’s a zoo.

  t: shall we go to the zoo?


  2.show some pictures of animals in the zoo.

  t:what can you see in the zoo?

  s:i can see a panda and a tiger.


  [step 4 presentation 2(课件中part3)]

  1. revision

  play a game : listen and guess “which animal is this?”

  2.t:what’s this? 

  s:it’s a pig.. (升降调读,拼读,板演,书空,为后面句子教学铺垫,也可以加上动作)

  3.同法教授单词“a duck, a horse, a chicken”

  [设计思路]:经常性的成功体验,可使人的需要不断地满足,心情舒畅愉快而求索不止,这对英语教学有着不可估量的促进作用。在英语教学中,要努力创设轻松、和谐、教学相长的教学情境。以学生为主体,以趣味活动为主线,以学生心智发展为重点,让学生经常获得学习成功的喜悦,从而培养学生的浓厚的学习兴趣。我借助信息技术中声音素材的导入,让学生听音辨别动物。先呈现学生学过的动物声音,如a dog, a cat等,再引出本课时的新单词。这种循序渐进的方法,不仅符合学生学习的方式,而且也能将信息技术更好运用于英语教学中。

  [step 5 presentation 3(课件中part4)]

  1.show some pictures of the new words.

  t:what can you see in the picture?

  s:i can see some chickens. (介绍名词复数的词形和读音的变化,学生齐读单词复数形式)

  t:do you like chickens?

  s:yes, i do./no, i don’t. i like horses.

  2. pair work 

  do you like…?           yes, i do./no, i don’t. i like …

  [设计思路]:在英语课堂里经常性地开展小组间的各种竞赛,让竞赛促使学生产生成功的体验。我们可以把学生分成若干个小组,每组分别有一个英文名,名字可以就用学生学过的单词。每一次课堂里都会组织一个竞赛,获胜的小组可以累计分数。过段时间再评比一次,看哪一组累计分数做多。学生具有强烈的竞争意识,这也因此激发学生努力争取成功,从而更加扎实的学好英语。我由单词的单数图片过渡到单词的复数图片,为下面的句型do you like…?教学作铺垫,学生通过神气活现的小动物,自然而然便对他们产生情感。这也正发挥了信息技术的情感导向作用。

  [step 6 consolidation 2]

  1.show a picture of the shop.

  t:what can you see in the picture?

  s:i can see some masks.

  t:now ,i’m a shop assistant.

  can i help you?

  s:yes, i’d like some masks.

  t:do you like rabbits?

  s:yes, i do.

  t:here you are ?

  s:thank you. how much is it?

  t:ten yuan, please .

  2. make a dialogue in the shop



  1.do some exercise

  2.show the classwork in the picture



