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《牛津小学英语》教案 篇1

  Unit 8 Open Day胡埭中心小学  王菁菁一、教学内容:《牛津小学英语》4B第八单元第一课时 二、教学目标  :1、 能听懂、会说,会读,会拼写单词a chair, a blackboard, a picture, a bookcase, a classroom, an office, a playground 。2、 能听懂、会说,会读,会写句型 There's a / There are some ...in/ on/ near the ... 3、 熟悉歌曲 In the classroom 。三、教学重点和难点: 1、 能听懂、会说,会读,会拼写单词a chair, a blackboard, a picture, a bookcase, a classroom, an office, a playground 。2、 能听懂、会说,会读,会写句型 There's a / There are some ...五、课前准备 教具准备 :本课课件 及磁带录音机。 六、教学过程 Step1. Free talk: 1.师生用Good morning/afternoon. How are you?互相问候。 2.出示课件,看图片复习学过的单词(食物类、水果类、职业类、家庭用品类)。重点复习本课中的复现单词:a computer, a chair, a bookcase. 3.复习句型:Let's go to the library. Great! How do we go there? Shall we go to there  by bus? OK.练习"there" ,并书写。 4. Let's  sing  the  song 《The  wheels  on  the  bus 》,(出示课件音乐,并在每个地点类单词图片出现前播放)。 Step2. Presentation and practice 1、 出示library的图片。 T: Look at my picture. 出示单词picture 并领读 S: 跟读. T:(指图片) What's this ? S: It's a library. T: What can you see in the library? S: I can see a picture , a computer and some bookcases. 2、出示课件歌曲《Wheels on the bus 》T:(出示office的图片)What's this ? S: ……T: It's  an  office .. 出示单词  office  示范朗读 S:跟读 T:What can you see in the office ? S: I can see a computer .T: So you can say: There is a  computer. Can  you  say  like  me? 出示句型:There  is  a/an ……Can you say like me? S: There is a computer.There is a ... S:造句练习。 3、听音乐,做动作,出示classroom的图片 。T: What's  this ? S: It's  a  classroom . 出示单词 classroom 并领读 S:跟读 T: What can you see in the  classroom?出示blackboard 的图片。 S: There's a blackboard .      学生造句练习……T: 出示复数句型There  are  some  …… S: (在教师帮助下 ) There are some desks . 学生学说并做造句练习。4、同法教  a playground, a music room.  Step3 A short break 1、Enjoy a song 欣赏本课的歌曲 In the classroom 2、A game" Magic ears” 游戏规则:教师说本课单词,不发出声音,仅让学生看口型,学生根据教师口型猜测是什么单词。  Step 4. Learn to say  1、在黑板上写出课题Unit8 Open day 并领读 2、出示本课单词图片。学生看图说单词。 3、T:(示范)This is an office. There is a/ an... on/ in the... There are some ...on/ in the ... Can you say something like that? S:模仿教师练习句型。  Step5 Consolidation  1、看图说话比赛 ,练习书上Part.C教师出示书上图片。 学生分两大组比赛哪组说的多,说的好。 用句型: There is /are.... in / on the...  Step 6 Homework  1、听磁带,跟录音读对话。   2、单词抄写,各三遍。  附板书:                              Unit 8 Open Day             There  is  a /an……          There  are  some ……

《牛津小学英语》教案 篇2


  part a,b,c








  step 1. greeting.


  step 2. revision

  1) free talk


  what’s this/that in english? 及其应答

  2) 学习歌曲what is this in english?师示范后,学生跟唱。

  3) 鼓励学生挑选喜欢的图片,小组创作新歌词,并集体演唱。

  step 3. activity

  1.i can draw a …跟着老师画文具类简笔画

  2.listen and point.

  3.listen and color.(师提供颜色,生自己涂色)

  4.让学生将这些新文具摆放到合适的地方。建议:in the pencil box/desk/book; on the pencil box/desk/book等



  a: come here ,…

  b:all right.

  a: excuse me, what’s this on your book.

  b: oh, it’s my tape.

  look, it’s new.

  it’s green and white.

  it’s from my dad.

  it’s on my book now.


  step 4. homework







《牛津小学英语》教案 篇3


  part b, c


  1. 能听懂,会说,会读单词:storybook, copybook, knife, toy train, tape, stapler, school bag, , in, on, in english

  2. 能听懂,会说,会读句子:

  a) what’s this/that in /on the …?

  b) what’s this/that in english?及其应答句。



  1. 能正确朗读以下单词:knife, tape, stapler, crayon

  2. 能正确区分this/that, in/on, tape/tap


  step 1. greeting.

  t:happy new year to you all, boys and girls.

  ss: the same to you.

  t: how is your vacation?

  s1: good.

  s2: not so good.


  step 2. revision

  t:  look, this is my …

  it’s +color. how nice!

  look, that’s his/her …


  step 3. presentation

  t:(指着课本)what’s this in english?

  s1: it’s a book. (引导回答)

  t: where?

  s1: on the desk. (引导回答)

  领读in english,on/in


  step 4. learning new materials:

  1. 将要学习的新单词实物放进袋子里,让学生随意挑选后,主动发问:what’s this/that in english?可求助老师,也可以求助同学。

  2. 逐一板书新单词时,要求学生拼读。领读新单词,注重音节划分,单词构成,字母组合,新旧单词区分等方面的渗透。

  如storybook, copybook ; crayon, day, bay ; knife ; toy train, boy ;tape , tap ; school bag ; sta pler

  3. 游戏操练新单词。如高低声,看口形猜单词等。

  4、利用图片或实物,操练单复数。a stapler? yes/no. some crayons? yes/no. …渗透复数概念,并强调knife---knives.

  5.看b图说话。what can you see ? i can see a …

  6.通过图片、实物、多媒体等方式创设情境,操练新句型:what’s this/that in/on the …?

  step 5. consolidation and practice

  1. 指导完成c部分的看图说话。

  2. 条件允许的情况下,可将四段对话打印出来,让学生阅读后配对。

  step 6. homework

  1. 抄写b中词汇,每个两遍,中文一遍。

  2. 跟磁带朗读b中词汇五遍,并拼读。


  4. 准备一个自己感兴趣的物品,下节课带到课堂上。


  1. 教学内容较多,把握好时间分配,尤其是新授部分内容要予以充足的时间保证。

  2. 新授单词,句子不要苛求每个学生都掌握得很熟练。


《牛津小学英语》教案 篇4

  教学内容: 《牛津小学英语》4b第八单元第一课时

  二、教学目标 :

  1、 能听懂、会说,会读,会拼写单词a chair, a blackboard, a picture, a bookcase, a classroom, an office, a playground 。

  2、 能听懂、会说,会读,会写句型 there's a / there are some ...in/ on/ near the ...

  3、 熟悉歌曲 in the classroom 。


  1、 能听懂、会说,会读,会拼写单词a chair, a blackboard, a picture, a bookcase, a classroom, an office, a playground 。

  2、 能听懂、会说,会读,会写句型 there's a / there are some ...


  教具准备 :

  本课课件 及磁带录音机。

  六、教学过程 step1. free talk:

  1.师生用good morning/afternoon. how are you?互相问候。


  重点复习本课中的复现单词:a computer, a chair, a bookcase.

  3.复习句型:let's go to the library. great! how do we go there? shall we go to thereby bus? ok. 练习"there" ,并书写。 

  4. let's  sing  the  song 《the  wheels  on  the  bus 》,(出示课件音乐,并在每个地点类单词图片出现前播放)。  

  step2. presentation and practice

  1、 出示library的图片。 t: look at my picture.

  出示单词picture 并领读 s: 跟读. t:(指图片) what's this ? s: it's a library. t: what can you see in the library? s: i can see a picture , a computer and some bookcases.

  2、出示课件歌曲《wheels on the bus 》 t:(出示office的图片)what's this ? s: …… t: it's  an  office .. 出示单词  office  示范朗读 s:跟读 t:what can you see in the office ? s: i can see a computer . t: so you can say: there is a  computer. can  you  say  like  me? 出示句型:there  is  a/an …… can you say like me? s: there is a computer. there is a ... s:造句练习。

  3、听音乐,做动作,出示classroom的图片 。 t: what's  this ? s: it's  a  classroom . 出示单词 classroom 并领读 s:跟读 t: what can you see in the  classroom?出示blackboard 的图片。 s: there's a blackboard .      学生造句练习…… t: 出示复数句型there  are  some  …… s: (在教师帮助下 ) there are some desks . 学生学说并做造句练习。

  4、同法教  a playground, a music room.  

  step3 a short break

  1、enjoy a song 欣赏本课的歌曲 in the classroom

  2、a game" magic ears” 游戏规则:教师说本课单词,不发出声音,仅让学生看口型,学生根据教师口型猜测是什么单词。  

  step 4. learn to say  

  1、在黑板上写出课题unit8 open day 并领读


  3、t:(示范)this is an office. there is a/ an... on/ in the... there are some ...on/ in the ... can you say something like that? s:模仿教师练习句型。  

  step5 consolidation  

  1、看图说话比赛 ,练习书上part.c 教师出示书上图片。 学生分两大组比赛哪组说的多,说的好。 用句型: there is /are.... in / on the...  

  step 6 homework  




  unit 8 open day            

  there  is  a /an……          

  there  are  some ……

《牛津小学英语》教案 篇5




  1、 熟练掌握本单元的(三会、四会)单词、词组、句子及对话。

  2、 运用已有语言知识解决问题。

  3、 通过难度适中的适量小练习,帮助学生进一步了解自身学习状况,以促进以后的学习。




  step 1. greeting

  sing an english song.( what is this in english?)

  step 2. revision

  1. 师提供本节课的话题“my stationery”,鼓励学生围绕此话题与教师或同学进行交谈。

  2. 生齐读a、b部分,鼓励学生总结本单元学到的知识。

  1) 一些文具类的单词,并初步接触了它们的复数形式。(knife是特例)

  2) 会默写3个四会单词

  3) 介词in/on, 借助这两个词语,我们可以表达物品的位置。让学生举例。

  4) 初步掌握my/your/his/her +名词,表示某人的东西。

  5) 用途很广的几个交际用语: come here. excuse me. oh, i see.

  6) 询问物品的英文名称或中文名称时,我们可以用句子……

  7) 询问近处或远处东西时,可以用句子……



  一、 请读一读下面的英语,你能写出对应的中文吗?

  1. storybook_______      2. copybook_______  3. knife_______

  4. toy train_______        5.tape_______       6.stapler_______

  7. school bag_______    8. in english_______  9. in chinese_______

  10. my pen_______    11. your ruler_______ 12. his rubber_______

  13. on the bookcase_______ 14. in the school bag_______


  考察book, tape, bag.(可以适当增加1-2个与它们发音类似的单词)


  for example:  a toy train------some toy trains




  如:1. 需要打扰别人时,可以说:

  2. 当你弄明白一件事情的时候,可以说:

  3. 请某人过来,说:

  4. 做错事情时说:



  建议: 对话控制在4句内,以本单元重点句型为训练重点。


  1. 让复习课不要成为老师的个人演讲。不要低估学生的三言两语,耐心的引导他们学会梳理知识,培养学习能力。

  2. 练习内容的设计不同考试,目的重在单元基础,不可以难、偏、怪。学生通过练习可以客观的了解知识的掌握情况,老师也可以为下面的教学找准目标。

《牛津小学英语》教案 篇6


  part a,b,c,e2,e3


  1. 学会唱字母歌。

  2. 能在熟练掌握本单元所学单词、句型基础上,巩固复习3a中文具类,动物类,交通工具类,食品类单词。

  3. 能将本单元句型熟练地运用到日常交际中。

  4. 能在教学活动中,感受到成功和快乐,增加学习英语的兴趣和自信。


  1. 能将本单元句型熟练运用到交际中。


  step 1. greeting.

  learn to sing the song ”a b c” together.

  step 2. revision

  1) have a dictation



  3) game. 模仿教材e2中形式进行。句型可以略作调整。what’s this in my school bag? it’s a …


  1. 四人小组进行游戏。




  step 3. consolidation and practice

  1. t: you did a good job. i’d like to buy a toy for my nephew. would you like to go with me? guess, what can you see in the toy shop?


  2. 情境一,示范对话,并让学生跟读。 

  a: hello, …  how are you?

  b: fine, thank you. and you?

  a: i’m fine , too. let’s go to the toy shop by bus.

  b: ok, let’s go.

  a: here we are.

  b: look, what’s that on the door?

  a: it’s a …

  b: oh, i see. come here, … what’s this on the desk?

  a: it’s a …

  b: how nice!

  a: a …, please.

  c: ok, here you are.


  3. 小组合作,看图编对话。



  a: hi, my name is … what’s your name?

  b: my name is …i’m an english … i’m from …

  nice to meet you.

  a: nice to meet you, too. excuse me, what’s this in english?

  b: it’s a packet of chips. what’s this in chinese?

  a: han bao.

  b: oh, i see. thank you.

  5. 同桌模仿例子,编新对话。(师将提供的食品图片贴在黑板上)

  step 4. homework

  1. 跟磁带,大声朗读本单元课文五遍。

  2. 提供图片及句子,请学生给句子排序,变成对话。


  1. 要在充分复习后,给学生创设表达的机会。

  2. 情境创设要简洁,大情境中设置若干个小情境。

  3. 运用前有示范。若学生情况好,可以逐渐放手。

《牛津小学英语》教案 篇7


  part a


  1. 能初步熟练地听、说、读上节课所学单词、句型。

  2. 能听懂,会说,会读句子:

  a) come here.

  b) excuse me.

  c) oh, i see.

  3、能听、说、读、写单词bag, book ,tape



  1. 能正确朗读课文。

  2. 能科学记忆四会单词。


  step 1. greeting.

  t:good morning.

  ss: good morning.

  t: how are you?


  step 2. revision

  1) free talk

  师示范: excuse me, what’s this/that in english?

  it’s a …

  领读excuse me。师生,生生间相互问答。


  a crayon, a crayon.

  it’s in the desk.

  a knife, a knife.

  it’s on the chair.


  3) 完成教材e1听力练习。

  4) look at these words carefully.

  bag , cat , fat , dad

  book , look , cook , hook

  tape , name , kate


  step 3. presentation

  a: come here, …

  b: all right.

  a: excuse me, what’s this/that in/on the box?(利用遮盖等方式创设信息差,提高语言运用的真实性)

  b: it’s a …

  a: oh, i see. thank you.

  b: that’s ok.

  step 4. learning new materials

  1. 领读新句子:come here,oh, i see.

  2. 看课文插图,回答问题。

  1) who are they?

  2) where?

  3) what color is the …?

  3. 分两次听磁带,回答问题。

  1) what’s that on the desk?

  2) what’s this in english?

  4. 跟读课文两遍。

  5. 小组读课文。

  6. 分角色朗读课文。

  step 5. consolidation and practice

  1. 鼓励学生看着课文插图,给图中人物配音。

  2. 结合练习册内容,做适当练习。

  step 6. homework.

  1. 跟磁带大声朗读课文a,b五遍。

  2. 抄写四会单词四遍,并背诵。





《牛津小学英语》教案 篇8

  good afternoon, everyone. i’m fan jiayin. i come from dongzhongshi experimental primary school. it’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you. the content of my lesson is “a busy day” part a from unit 7,fun with english 5b.

  一.teaching contents

  the topics on fun with english are well organized focusing on the pupils’ world. unit 7 is intended for pupils to talk about their daily lives.  they have learnt many verb phrases. such as watch tv, have breakfast, clean the library, watch a football game, do homework and etc. you know they are bilingual class pupils, so maybe these phrases will be more easier for them. “a busy day” mainly talks about the time and what they should do at the time.

  considering the contents of the lesson and the levels of the pupils, i design the following teaching aims.

  二、teaching aims

  1. aims on the knowledge: pupils will learn the new words “busy, past, to, on duty, brush teeth, really, half, a quarter ”, the new structures “ what time is it? it’s time for… do you want to…? i want to…

  2. aims on the abilities: to develop pupils’ abilities of listening ,speaking, reading and writing. to develop pupils’ communicative skills

  3. aims on the emotion: to develop pupils’ sense of co-operation. to let pupils know they should cherish the time.

  三、important points:

  1. to help the pupils say the new words and use the key sentences correctly.

  2. to write whole sentences correctly.

  四、difficult points

  1. how to make dialogues and act them out.

  2. pupils can talk about the time and what they should do at the time.

  五、teaching aids

  and in this lesson we’ll need cai , tape recorder, school things and so on.

  六、teaching methods

  now i’d like to talk about my way of teaching(不必写在教案里).

  1. communication method

  i’ll set up a real situation, in this way , pupils can practise in pairs or in groups, they can speak freely and needn’t worry about making mistakes

  2. task-based method

  that is to say i’ll let the pupils finish a task by making a short dialogue and acting it out. to help the pupils get a better understanding of the key structures, i will arrange these kinds of activities: singing, guessing game, finishing a survey and having a competition.

  七、learning methods

  let pupils study in a relaxed and agreeable atmosphere. thereby, develop the pupils’ abilities of studying and working with the learning language independently.

  八、teaching procedures

  now i’ll mainly talk about my teaching procedures. i’ll follow five steps.

  step 1( warm-up and revision)

  it is important to set up a better english learning situation for the pupils . so i ‘ll design

  activity 1.  sing a song: do some exercise with me? this song is from unit6

  activity2.  tpr( total physical response ) to ask pupils to follow my instructions, “get up, have breakfast, watch tv, do homework” then ask and answer: what are you doing? i am…

  t: look, what am i doing?

  present the new phrases: brush my teeth

  t: who is on duty today?

  let the child give the orders which are on the paper.

  i design this activity to get pupils to warm up and review the present continuous tense.  i also infiltrate two phrases in this step, “brush my teeth, on duty”. because they will be presented in the text.

  step 2 (presentation )

  to present and practice the key structures one by one, that’ll be much easier for the pupils to learn and grasp the meanings. so in this step, i’ll design 3 activities.

  activity1: guess and learn.

  guess a riddle, then learn to express time in english. in this step, i will use cai to help me with my teaching. let children practice the time first. then learn to use “past” and “to”

  activity 2: ask and answer. what time is it? it’s time for…

  let pupils talk about the time : what time is it? it’s time to… because pupils have already learned this structure .then teacher can make a model first : it’s time for… then practice in groups.

  as we all know, using the pictures, this is one of the easiest ways to show the meaning of the words and sentences.

  activity 3: talk and match

  talk about the time and the things first, then listen and match . if time is enough, pupils can talk about their own time and their own things.

  children’s attention span is very short. and proper exercises can help pupils focus on their attention and practice the key structures better.

  activity4: think and say

  t: oh, what time is it now? it’s time to watch vcd. do you want to watch vcd?

  s: i want to watch vcd.

  teacher shows them a list, look at the time and things: what do you want to do? then invite your friend: it’s … it’s time for… i want to … do you want to…?

  in this activity, pupils are encouraged to put themselves in the situation and make a face to face talking. all the pupils are involved in this activity. they can talk as much as possible.

  step3. (production)

  to help pupils put the language into using, i design a task to help pupils have a production.

  first watch vcd. let the ss listen and imitate the dialogue. pay attention to their pronunciation and intonation. at last i’ll ask the pupils to think hard and act it out. then find out which group will act it out well. i’ll give them red stars.

  purpose of my designing: this step makes the pupils get the general idea of the dialogue as a whole one. at the same time let the pupils have a chance to practise their listening and spoken ability.

  step 4. (consolidation)

  to develop pupils’ abilities of listening and speaking, that’s the main instructional aims of learning english in primary school. so in step 4, i’ll design some listening exercises to check what they have learned. for example: think and fill in the blanks. everyone will have a piece of paper. in this step i’ll give the pupils a free space to show their abilities.

  purpose of my designing: “task-based” teaching method is used here to develop the pupils’ ability of communication and co-operation. tell the pupils we should cherish our time, time and tide wait for no man.

  step 5. (homework )

  after step 4, some pupils can grasp the knowledge well, but some pupils can’t. revision is so important, pupils should speak english after class as much as they do in class.  it is necessary for the pupils to do some exercise after class. so i design the following homework.

  1.listen and read.

  2.try to talk about the pictures.

  3.  try to finish your timetable

  my timetable



  what for?


  half past six

  it’s time for breakfast.   

  九、.blackboard design

  unit7 a busy day

  what time is it?                             busy   繁忙

  it’s … past…                               on duty  值日

  it’s … to …                                brush  teeth 刷牙

  it’s time for…                             

  do you want to…?                

  i want to…?

  proverb: time and tide wait for no man. 时间不等人。

  in a word, the teaching of this lesson aims to develop not only the pupils' language abilities, but also the diverse intelligence. as eachers, to make our english classrooms shine with vitality, we still have a long way to go.

  above is the lecture notes of my lesson. thank you!

《牛津小学英语》教案 篇9

  教学内容:《牛津小学英语》6b unit 6  a listen,read and say



  2、听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语is that gao shan? yes,speaking. by the way,what are you going to do…?等。






  step1 warm up

  1. greetings

  2. free talk


  step2 revision

  1. words (b look,read and learn)



  ③listen and write.


  2. sentences(c look and say)

  ①group work 或 pair work.


  ③listen and write.


  step3 presentation

  1. free talk渗透is that……? yes,speaking. do you like……? can you……? what do you do on……?

  2. listen to the tape of“a listen, read and say”.

  3. 学习引言部分

  ①教师出示david和gao shan打电话的多媒体课件,上有日历显示为周六,天气暖和,阳光灿烂。

  ②学生自由描述或交谈,讲清短语on saturday morning,have school, talk about, plans for the weekend.



  what day is it today?

  what time is it?

  what is david doing?

  what are they talking about?

  4. 学习第一段(46页)


  what are they going to do today?

  where will they meet?

  ②听录音回答问题,讲清打电话的专用语is that……? speaking与短语a beijing opera show, this afternoon,last year,at one thirty,in front of……


  whowhen activities where 

  ④讲清乐器类前加the,如play the piano;球类前不加the,如play football。

  step4 consolidation

  1. listen to the tape and repeat.

  2. 分角色朗读对话。

  3. 在理解课文的基础上,完成对话后面的练习。

  4. ask and answer


  5. a task

  planning for the weekend:学生在小组中交流,创设情景对话。

  6. 总结一般将来时


  +v. 原形

  ②构成:be going to



  step5 homework

  1. listen to the tape and repeat of“a listen, read and say”.

  2. action.

  3. little reporter(小记者采访)

  用what are you going to do…,? i’m going to…采访同学的周末活动计划并写下来。(至少3位)

  4. 预习d listen and write。



  句型:①is that……? yes,speaking.

  ②by the way,what are you going to do…? i’m going to…


《牛津小学英语》教案 篇10

  unit 3  asking the way

  连云港市赣榆县实验小学  董淑鸿


  本单元的核心教学内容是“问路”,围绕这一话题展开各项语言活动。重点学习问路中常涉及的相关用语can you tell me the way to…?how far is it from here? how can i get to…?及其答语。本单元a部分通过创设情景,展开一段有关问路的情景对话;b部分主要学习表示场所的词组以及与问路相关的动词词组;c部分和d部分是本单元的句型结构部分,重点学习句型及其答句。要求学生能够四会掌握这些句型;e部分重点复习了本单元的重点句型turn…at the…crossing和一般过去时;f部分是一个趣味猜迷游戏,可以让学生在听听、看看、做做、玩玩中活动;g部分为语音部分,让学生了解字母组合ou在单词中的读音,提高整体认读能力;h部分是一首歌曲,可以联系本课内容进行填词唱歌。


  1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词stop, turn left / right, post office, get on / off, along, street, way。

  2、能听懂、会说、会读单词city, crossing, away, follow, suddenly, shout, thief, shopping centre, middle school, primary school, out of, train station, story museum, kilometre, road, minute, only。

  3、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型:can you tell me the way to…,please?

  4、能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型go along this street, and then turn right at the third crossing. how far is it from here? it’s about a kilometre away. you can take bus no.5. how many stops are there? how can i get to the shopping centre?


  6、能演唱歌曲excuse me。


  1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词stop, turn left / right, post office, get on / off, along, street, way。

  2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型:can you tell me the way to…,please?


  1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词stop, turn left / right, post office, get on / off, along, street, way。

  2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型:can you tell me the way to…,please?




  第一课时:b look, read and learn及 c look and say

  第二课时:b look, read and learn及 d read and talk

  第三课时:a listen, read and say

  第四课时:e read and number及f play a game

  第五课时:g listen and repeat及h sing a song







《牛津小学英语》教案 篇11

  unit 8 review and check

  连云港市赣榆县青口中心小学  刘颖













  第一课时unit8  a look, read and say.

  第二课时unit8  b look, read and write.

  第三课时unit8  c look and talk

  第四课时unit8  d talk and write.



  《牛津小学英语》6b unit 8 单元教材分析 来自第一范文网。

《牛津小学英语》教案 篇12

  一、 教学内容

  本课是《牛津小学英语》3b第二单元第二课时的教学内容。本课的重点是学习有关things in a room的单词以及日常交际用语is this a …? is that a …?

  二、 教学目标

  ㈠知识教学:使学生能听懂、会说日常用品类单词:a clock,a computer,a camera ,a radio,a watch,a key 以及句型:is this a …?  is that a …?



  三、 教学重点难点


  单词:a clock,a computer,a camera ,a radio,a watch,a key的教学。

  日常交际用语:is this a …?  is that a …?


  熟练灵活地在情境中运用日常交际用语:is this a …?is that a …?

  四、 教学对象分析

  《牛津小学英语》3a中学生已经接触过一些有关things in a room.的单词,而本课的教学内容和学生的实际生活息息相关,因而本课时的教学内容对学生来说不难理解,关键是综合运用能力的进一步巩固强化。所以在教学时我充分运用多媒体教学手段创设真实、生动、有趣的学习情景,来调动学生的积极性,提高学生的学习兴趣。

  五、 课前准备



  六、 主要授课思路及方法





  七、 教学过程

  step 1.warming up

  师生欣赏英语歌“is that a car ?”


  step2.free talk

  t:who’s on duty today?

  s:i am.

  t:come here,please.you’re a little teacher now.


  s1:is this a box?(s1拿起s2的物品。)

  s2:no,it isn’t.it’s a walkman.

  s1:what a nice walkman!can i have a look?

  s2:sure,here you are.

  s1:thank you.


  step 3.learn the new words

  1.t:now,let’s look and guess.(显示图片1)

  what’s this?

  s:it’s a tv/a desk/a book/a box ….

  t:go on guessing.what’s this? (显示图片2)  (图片1)  (图片2)

  is this a clock?is this a …?(学生猜)

  t:oh,this is a watch.(显示图片3)                             (图片3)

  ss:no,it isn’t.(多媒体显示图片及句子this is a watch.同时播放读音。)

  2.领读a watch,学生跟读,先齐读,再叫个别学生读。


  t:is this a watch?   

  s:yes,it is./no,it’s a ….

  4.同法学习单词a clock,a computer,a key(因a camera,a radio第一课时已初步教过,故此处不用此法教学)。


  step 4.practice .

  play a game.

  t:it’s a magic box.what’s on it?(让学生看魔盒的六面,齐说单词。)

  ss:it’s a computer/camera/radio/watch/clock/key.

  t:now,let’s play a game.

  教师指出魔盒一面问一学生:is this a radio?然后将盒子扔向该同学,如朝上一面是radio,该生回答:yes,it is.如不是,则回答:no,it’s a ….然后扔给其他同学。


  step 5.consolidation.

  1. 多媒体演示若干图片(如图4)

  ask a student(sa) to the front and face to the students.


  ss:what’s that?

  sa(背对屏幕):is that a radio/computer/…?

  如图4                                            如图5


  2. 让一些学生亲自操作,选择图片。

  3. 教师独自算一组,参与竞赛。


  step 6.discuss.

  1. 每组学生拿出事先设计好的房间图。

  2. 分组练习:说单词、指图片、编简单对话。

  3. 小组推选代表向全班同学表演。


  step 7.homework.

  1. listen to the tape and read the words.

  2. 要求学生给家居用品贴上英文名称。


  unit 2 yes or no 反思

  在单词上口较快,一些学生通过预习已能较好地认读,三个四会单词多数人在课堂上就能记住并拼写。因此,虽是起始年级,但安排相应的课前预习作业还是很有必要的。 、学生对于一般疑问句is this/that…?的说法表现出较大的困难,很容易说成this is/that’s…这是自己课前没有意识到的。在课上便及时进行调整加以区别,告诉他们从两个方面去区分:一.从句意上“是……吗?”为一般疑问句,用is this/that…?二. this is/that’s…是告诉别人这或那是……,而is this/that…?是问别人。这样一来,基本上能够解决这个问题了。事后想来,一些基本的语法知识讲解必不可少,有时直接讲解还是比反复说句子去感觉更有效果,更能节省时间资本。

《牛津小学英语》教案 篇13

  《牛津小学英语》5a unit 9 shapes 教学设计

  丹阳市蒋墅中心小学   张亚琴


  1、知识目标:能听得懂,会说,会读和会拼写单词shape, shapes, a circle, a square, a diamond, a rectangle, a triangle, a star及其相应复数形式。能听得懂,会说,会读和会写句型what shape is the…?it’s a …




  教学内容:5a unit 9 shapes

  教学重难点:能听得懂,会说,会读和会拼写单词shape, shapes, a circle, a square, a diamond, a rectangle, a triangle, a star及其相应复数形式。能听得懂,会说,会读和会写句型what shape is the…?it’s a …


  1、warm up ---- free talk

  t: boys and girls, i like drawing pictures. do you like drawing?



  (1)引出课题 t:i have some cards. do you have a card?(教师呈现自己做的贺卡) s: ……(教师选一张圆形,长方形的贺卡贴在黑板上)

  t: there are two cards on the blackboard. let’s have a look. what’s in the card? s:……

  t: there are some shapes.

  teach: a shape  shapes

  (2) t:(指着黑板) this is a circle card.

  teach:  a circle

  t: the football is a circle. can you see something like “the …is a circle.”(组织小组竞赛造句,表现优秀的小组贴上图形)

  t:(指着黑板)what shape is it?  it’s a rectangle. it’s a rectangle card.

  teach: a rectangle .

  t: the book is a rectangle. can you see something like “the …is a rectangle.”(组织小组竞赛造句,表现优秀的小组贴上图形)

  t: i have a rectangle paper. look at me. is it a rectangle? (将长方形纸折成正方形) s: no.

  t: it’s a square.

  teach : a square

  can you see something like “the …is a square.”(组织小组竞赛造句,表现优秀的小组贴上图形)

  t: (正方形纸折成三角形)what shape is it? is it a square?

  s: no. t: it’s a triangle.

  teach: a triangle

  (3) teach: what shape is the …? it’s a …

  t: we are talking about shapes.( cai ) what shape is the …?

  s:it’s a ..(课件展示两幅图片)

  t:can you ask me ?

  teach: what shape is the …? it’s a …

  s―t: what shape is the …?it’s a …(组织小组竞赛对话,表现优秀的小组贴上图形)

  s―s:what shape is the …?it’s a …

  (4) say a rhyme: (拍手)

  card, card, i like cards.

  circle, circle, it’s a circle football.

  rectangle, rectangle, it’s a rectangle door.

  square, square, it’s a square clock.

  triangle, trangle, it’s a triangle kite.

  (5)t: look at my card. there’s a tree in the card. what’s in the tree? s:…  t: some stars.

  teach: a star

  ( cai ) guess: what shape is it? is it a star?(遮住)

  teach: a diamond


  (1) ( cai ) t: do you know them?( look and say)

  (2) guess game: (露一小半图)t: what shape is it?

  (3)look and say:( cai ) how many …are there? there are ….

  (4)公布竞赛结果:用句型 how many … are there? 汇总。

  (5) exercise:

  t:look, i can make a picture.  there’s a triangle ,

  a rectangle and two squares. can you say?


  unit 9 shapes

  (贺卡1)   what shape is the …? 

  it’s a ….             (小组竞赛贴图)


《牛津小学英语》教案 篇14

  教学内容:f. play a game      g. listen and repeat









  step1 warm up

  1. greetings

  2. listen to a song: i wish i was taller!

  step 2 revision

  1. listen and repeat(a部分)

  2. read the text in groups.(分组分角色朗读a部分对话)

  3. look and read.




  4. look and write



  5. look and say


  step 3 play a game



  3. groups work.

  step 4 listen and repeat

  1.指导看图,谈论图意,从而引出单词:bird, girl, skirt, t-shirt

  2. listen to the tape.

  3. read after the tape.


  5.read the sentences.

  step 5 do exercises(b部分)

  1. look at the pictures and talk about then.

  引导学生讨论四幅图中人物的特征,告诉学生抓住人物的主要特征听录音,并进行判断,如:p1: the girl is fat. p2: the girl is short. p3: the girl is tall. the girl’s eyes are big.

  2. listen to the tape.


  3. listen and repeat.

  4. listen and find.

  5. listen and check.


  词:bird, girl, skirt, t-shirt

  句子:the tall girl in the yellow skirt and the blue t-shirt has a bird.



《牛津小学英语》教案 篇15

  教学内容:b. look, read and learn.    c. work in pairs


  1.能听懂、会说、会读、和会拼写单词tall, young, old, heavy。


  3.能听、说、读句型who’s taller than? is  taller than。



  2.掌握句型“who’s… than…?  whose…is…?”。





  step 1 warm up.

  1. listen to a song: i wish i was taller

  2. greetings

  3. free talk

  可围绕以下句型与不同学生展开:hello. good morning! nice to see you at new term. how old are you now? oh, you’re younger than me. look, he is tall. who’s taller than him? look at my scarf. it’s long. the scarf is longer than this ruler(随着手拿一尺子)…

  step2 presentation

  1. learn long, longer

  ①由free talk引出long, longer.并出示单词指导生朗读,并比较两词区别其间教师不断地出示实物,边比较边发音long-longer.

  ②practice in pairs


  2. learn whose…is…, yours or mine?

  ①教师将围巾与学生围巾放在一起问:whose scarf is longer, yours or mine?并指导生回答。

  ②practice in pairs


  ③ss act.

  3. learn old-older, young-younger


  ②操练句型: who’s…than…?

  师随意问两个同学的年龄后;指着两个学生问其他学生:who’s older/ younger than…?并引导生回答。

  4.出示单词:tall-taller, short-shorter, small-smaller



  5.出示big, fat, thin, heavy




  5.拼读old, young, tall, heavy

  step3 consolidation

  1. listen to the tape and read after the tape.

  2. look and read


  3. work in pairs

  ①picture 1-2,出示挂图,师示范并随机板书句子。

  ②groups work.


  step 4 homework

  1. listen to the tape and repeat.(b部分)

  2. write the words of pant b two times.

  3. make dialogues use the words.


  句子:a: who’s… than…?   b: …is.

  a: whose…is… , yours or mine?   b: …is, i think.









